Poly Annie Earns World’s First NFP Innovator Award

As the ways content distribution continues to change and content creators search for new channels that allow them to directly connect with their fans, the adult NFT market is gaining tremendous traction and Polyannie is leading the vanguard of forward-thinking performers toward a very exciting new era.

NFTs are Non-Fungible Tokens, already popularized in mainstream by organizations like the NBA and tech visionaries like Elon Musk. They allow content creators to use blockchain technology to create a digital original of virtually any file. In several reported instances, NFTs have sold for far more than a million dollars each, because the buyers recognize that owning a copy of something is easy but owning the only original of something has far more intrinsic value.

Recently Opensea.io established the first annual NFT awards, and of all the performers now utilizing this new content delivery technology, Polyannie was selected as the inaugural winner of the NFP Innovator Award for 2021. Her website www.polyannie.com was the first of its kind, fully focused on the NFT method of making and delivering custom original content NFTs for fans.

“As a performer, I am an artist, not unlike artists whose works appear in major museums around the globe – and things have changed dramatically for digital artists like myself because for the first time in history we can create an original of one of our works that can’t be replicated as the true original and can only be copied as a duplicate,” explained Polyannie. “A poster of a Van Gogh oil painting may sell in a student bookstore at any college campus for forty or fifty dollars, but the original is worth many millions of dollars, and the NFT that adult performers make available exclusively for fans work exactly the same way.”

As part of her shift from traditional subscription based content sales to unique NFT performances Polyannie has been working closely with the team at Niftease. “Niftease is a marketplace where fans and content creators can connect to buy or sell NFTs in the adult vertical, since mainstream NFT markets won’t support adult content,” explained Lauren MacEwen of Niftease.com. “Our intention is to create something entirely new in adult, a real after-market, where fans who purchase original content from a studio or performer can also exchange it for other content or sell it and earn a profit. It’s a very different way to consume content, because you can pay one price and enjoy it for as long as you like while also earning a profit when you sell it to someone else or even earn recurring revenue by retaining part of the resale rights as a commission that is fully recorded into the blockchain of the NFT itself. People don’t fully understand how big a deal this is yet, but they will soon and Niftease is here to help.”

To learn more about the NFT opportunity as a studio, performer, affiliate or fan visit www.niftease.com, or speak with Polyannie and see why digital content delivery is changing right now forever.

New York Times Starts To Understand NFT

As evidenced by the increase in coverage across all major news outlets, the groundswell of support for NFTs in a wide variety of verticals seems to be gaining momentum very quickly. Some, like The New York Times seem hesitant at first when trying to wrap their heads around the concept of perfectly authenticated memorabilia, but the more they cover the NFT market, the more they seem to comprehend its long term potential.

Recently one times reporter rhetorically asked her readers “Why an Animated Flying Cat With a Pop-Tart Body Sold for Almost $600,000” but perhaps the better question to ask would have been, did that buyer get it at a very low price compared to what they may earn from it selling the entire NFT or shares of the recurring rights revenue from  everyone who purchases it further down the blockchain?

The old adage remains true, always, an object or service is worth exactly what someone else is willing to pay for it. Discussions of whether an NFT should be worth 600K are moot because this one did sell for 600K and therefore that was exactly what it was worth at that time. Some might suggest 600K will be the all time high price for the item, and in a traditional art world that might be a bad outcome for the buyer, but because an NFT can be segmented automatically on the blockchain, the owner of this NFT doesn’t ever need to find a single buyer willing to pay more than 600K to earn a profit. How is that true? Let’s look deeper:

Let’s say you buy an NFT for $100 with the full rights to the entirety of the content. You might later sell it for $110 and earn a $10 profit, or you might sell it to someone for $105 while you retain 50% of the future resale value of that same NFT. That secondary buyer can then sell the NFT for any amount they wish, but any amount they get for it will automatically be recorded in the blockchain and the smart contract built into the code will immediately send 50% of their resale price to your wallet as per your original agreement with them!

If that $100 NFT sells for $105 to a second buyer and you retain 50% resale rights, a third buyer paying $300 for it is worth another $150 to you. A fourth buyer at $200 would earn you an additional $100 and so on down the line whether the NFT rises or decreases in each resale transaction price, because you retained 50% of the resale rights when you sold it originally,

NFTs are better than royalties because the money goes directly to you as part of each transaction. There is no possibility for anyone to “shave” your earnings or for anyone to withhold money from you and make you chase after it. Nobody can forget to pay you or pretend you won’t come looking for you money. It doesn’t matter what country the new buyer or seller reside it, as part of the transaction your payout is recorded in the blockchain and the code itself segments your payout so that it goes directly to your own wallet!

The ramifications of this are extraordinary for things like affiliate marketing, syndicate collaboration amount a group of buyers, and so many other means of sharing costs whole accelerating values. When The New York Times finally figures this all out they will stop asking of anyone can resell that NFT for more than 600K and start asking the more meaningful questions like what is the lifetime value of that NFT, is the new owner better off selling it in its entirety or retaining a fractional amount of the resale rights, or would the owner be better off leveraging the value of their NFT by trading it to another collector for an assortment of other NFTs.

The story here isn’t the cat with a pop-tart body. The story here is that there is finally a way to seamlessly assign values and sort payouts among an ecosystem of collectors in the most frictionless and simple to authenticate manner ever conceived of at any point in human history…. and for the record, yeah that cat with a pop-tart body is way freaking cute!